
A.1. MySQL 5.0 FAQ — 常规


  • 26.1.1: 什么时候MySQL 5.0开始可以作为生产试用(GA)?

    When did MySQL 5.0 become production-ready (GA)?

  • 26.1.2: MySQL 5.0是否支持子查询?

    Can MySQL 5.0 do subqueries?

  • 26.1.3: MySQL 5.0是否支持多表插入(INSERT)和更新(UPDATE)?

    Can MySQL 5.0 do multi-table inserts and updates?

  • 26.1.4: MySQL 5.0是否有查询缓存?它是基于服务器,实例(指每个mysqld进程)或者数据库?

    Does MySQL 5.0 have a Query Cache? Does it work on Server, Instance or Database?

  • 26.1.5: MySQL 5.0是否有序列(顺序)类型?

    Does MySQL 5.0 have Sequences?

  • 26.1.6: MySQL 5.0是否有小于秒级别的 NOW() 函数?

    Does MySQL 5.0 have a NOW() function with fractions of seconds?

  • 26.1.7: MySQL 5.0是否支持多处理器(CPU)?

    Does MySQL 5.0 work with multi-core processors?

  • 26.1.8: 是否有类似Innodb Hot Backup的用于MyISAM的热备工具吗?

    Is there a hot backup tool for MyISAM like InnoDB Hot Backup?

  • 26.1.9: 外键约束出错时是否有改善其报错信息?MySQL现在是否报告列和引用错误?

    Have there been there any improvements in error reporting when foreign keys fail? Does MySQL now report which column and reference failed?

  • 26.1.10: MySQL 5.0支持ACID事务吗?

    Can MySQL 5.0 perform ACID transactions?

Questions and Answers

When did MySQL 5.0 become production-ready

MySQL 5.0.15 was released for production use on 19 October
2005. We are now working on MySQL 5.1, which is currently in

在2005-10-19的时候我们已经释放出可以用于生产使用的MySQL 5.0.15了,现在我们正在开发MySQL 5.1 beta版本.

Can MySQL 5.0 do subqueries?

Yes. See Section 13.2.8, “Subquery Syntax”.


Can MySQL 5.0 do multi-table inserts and

Yes. Multi-table UPDATE and
DELETE were actually implemented in MySQL
4.0, with enhancements added in MySQL 4.1. See
Section 13.2.10, “UPDATE Syntax”, and Section 13.2.1, “DELETE Syntax”.

是的.多表UPDATEDELETE在MySQL 4.0的时候就已经实现了,并且在MySQL 4.1中得到了加强.详情请看 Section 13.2.10, “UPDATE Syntax”Section 13.2.1, “DELETE Syntax”.

Does MySQL 5.0 have a Query Cache? Does it work
on Server, Instance or Database?

Yes. The query cache operates on the server level, caching
complete result sets matched with the original query string.
If an exactly identical query is made (which often happens,
particularly in web applications), no parsing or execution
is necessary; the result is sent directly from the cache.
Various tuning options are available. See
Section 5.14, “The MySQL Query Cache”.

是的.查询缓存是基于服务器级别的,它缓存了匹配原始查询语句得到的全部结果集.如果提交了完全相同的查询语句(经常产生这种情况,尤其是在web应用中),无需解析语句和重新查询;结果直接从缓存中取得.可以通过各种参数来调整,详情请看 Section 5.14, “The MySQL Query Cache”.

Does MySQL 5.0 have Sequences?

No. However, MySQL has an AUTO_INCREMENT
system, which in MySQL 5.0 can also handle
inserts in a multi-master replication setup. With the
--auto-increment-increment and
--auto-increment-offset startup options,
you can set each server to generate auto-increment values
that don't conflict with other servers. The
--auto-increment-increment value should be
greater than the number of servers, and each server should
have a unique offset.

不.不过MySQL支持AUTO_INCREMENT类型,在MySQL 5.0中还可以以此处理多主(multi-master)的复制.通过设置--auto-increment-increment--auto-increment-offset 启动选项,就可以让多个主服务器产生不同的字增值,从而不会产生冲突.--auto-increment-increment 选项的值必须大于服务器的总数,并且每个服务器的值必须唯一.

Does MySQL 5.0 have a NOW()
function with fractions of seconds?


尽管如此,MySQL不会把时间字符串解析成很细致.详情请看 Section 11.3.2, “The TIME Type”.

No. This is on the MySQL roadmap as a “rolling
”. This means that it is not a flagship
feature, but will be implemented, development time
permitting. Specific customer demand may change this

However, MySQL does parse time strings with a fractional
component. See Section 11.3.2, “The TIME Type”.

Does MySQL 5.0 work with multi-core processors?


Yes. MySQL is fully multi-threaded, and will make use of
multiple CPUs, provided that the operating system supports

Is there a hot backup tool for MyISAM like InnoDB Hot


This is currently under development for a future MySQL

Have there been there any improvements in error reporting
when foreign keys fail? Does MySQL now report which column
and reference failed?

MySQL每个主要发布版本中的Innodb的外键功能都会得到增强.MySQL 5.2中计划让所有的存储引擎都能支持外键;这就大大解决了当前存储引擎的不足之处了.

The foreign key support in InnoDB has
seen improvements in each major version of MySQL. Foreign
key support generic to all storage engines is scheduled for
MySQL 5.2; this should resolve any inadequacies in the
current storage engine specific implementation.

Can MySQL 5.0 perform ACID transactions?


NDB 存储引擎只支持 READ COMMITTED 事务隔离级别.

Yes. All current MySQL versions support transactions. The
InnoDB storage engine offers full ACID
transactions with row-level locking, multi-versioning,
non-locking repeatable reads, and all four SQL standard
isolation levels.

The NDB storage engine supports the
READ COMMITTED transaction isolation
level only.





看 http://imysql.cn/docs/MySQL_51_zh/mysql_51.html 第13章第1节 "13.1.3. CREATE DATABASE语法" 部分

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